Ask the Experts

Do you have a question about radiation safety? Over 15,000 questions have been submitted and personally answered by our experts. Many of these questions and answers are posted along with FAQs and information sheets under several different radiation safety categories.


HPS Monitoring Situation in Ukraine

The Health Physics Society (HPS) continues to monitor the situation in Ukraine with concern for the safety of civilians and for the nation's nuclear power stations.

HPS is the home for specialists in radiation safety. Our "Ask the Experts" website has received an influx of questions from around the world regarding nuclear accidents.

Please monitor for updates regarding the nuclear or radiological conditions in Ukraine and for general questions and answers regarding radiation.


Find an Answer

Before you submit your question, we invite you to search through our list of answers to previous questions. Or, you might search for the answer to your question in our other posted materials by browsing the different categories and FAQs.

Ask a Question

Still looking for information or don't see your question? One of our many Ask the Experts (ATE) topic editors and over 300 experts can help! We welcome questions from the public or the media, from our fellow health physicists, or from scientists in related fields.

To submit your question, simply visit our Ask a Question page. Our expertise is limited to radiation safety issues. We do not answer questions that are not in the field of radiation safety. We also cannot provide medical advice and we do not answer homework questions.

Our Editors and Experts

We have an experienced editor in charge of each category in our field. When a question is submitted, the topic editor either answers the question or assigns it to an expert in that subject area. You always receive a personal email response to your question. If the topic editor decides your question is of general interest, it will be posted on our website (excluding your name). You can learn more about our editors and see their photos on our Meet the "Ask the Experts" Editors page.

Additional Resources

We invite you to explore another website that we sponsor that is dedicated to public education. This site, Radiation Answers, presents scientific and objective information about radiation in an easy-to-read format.

Notes of Appreciation

We receive many emails from both members of the public and health physics professionals telling us how much they appreciate our time and expertise. Selected notes are presented here.